Sync A World You Want To Explore

関 信浩が2002年から書き続けるブログ。ソーシャルメディア黎明期の日本や米国の話題を、元・記者という視点と、スタートアップ企業の経営者というインサイダーの立場を駆使して、さまざまな切り口で執筆しています


Desktop Blog

As I described in a previous entry (sorry only in Japanese), the screenshot left above is from my media server that is used to play music (full screen shot). The screenshot is captured in every 10 seconds and copied to...


Full newsfeed (or RDF/RSS)

Thanks to Joi, I set up the meta data file for syndication using RSS 2.0. I will make some modification since MovableType doesn't seem to output appropriate date format when the locale is Japanese...


Today's Evangelism on blogging

UIEvolution's Nakajima-san was evangelized to become a blogger, thanks to Hirata-san and Minami-san from Neoteny. Nakajima-san, or Satoshi, got so interested in blogging that he will probably make lots of contribution to the client environment of the blog.


English blogging launched

I finally decided to start English blogging. It was only a few weeks to lose abilities to speak English since I left the US... I am still okay to speak English, but started being bothered to READ English. That's why...


Record your journey on map!

In Joi's blog, there is an interesting "flash" software named Indy Junior. It draws a map like you travelling on the world map when you input your itineraries using XML format.
