Sync A World You Want To Explore

関 信浩が2002年から書き続けるブログ。ソーシャルメディア黎明期の日本や米国の話題を、元・記者という視点と、スタートアップ企業の経営者というインサイダーの立場を駆使して、さまざまな切り口で執筆しています

Globis Management ReviewRecently, there are some "Business Review" magazines appearing here in Japan. For instance, PHP Business Reviewwill soon appear (est. April 2003) or Globis Management Review(GMR)just came out (est. December 2002).

I know it began with Harvard Business Review(HBR), but there are so many magazines like this that who really wants to read this sort of "smart" magazines...

So, I started to look for a magazine like this, there exist so many "HBR"...

Hitotsubashi Business ReviewTo compete with Diamond, Inc. who publishes HBR and GMR, Toyo Keizai Inc. started publication ofHitotsubashi Business Review. I think this is relatively well-known, but I don't think many know that JMAhas published JMA Management Review for more that a few year.