Sync A World You Want To Explore

関 信浩が2002年から書き続けるブログ。ソーシャルメディア黎明期の日本や米国の話題を、元・記者という視点と、スタートアップ企業の経営者というインサイダーの立場を駆使して、さまざまな切り口で執筆しています

As I described in a previous entry (sorry only in Japanese), the screenshot left above is from my media server that is used to play music (full screen shot).

The screenshot is captured in every 10 seconds and copied to the server of this blog. In the screen, the weather forecast from TBS is located in the right and the news ticker from Nikkei Net in the bottom.

I am trying this for a chance of adding other messages on the desktop in the future.