2003年4月 9日 14:19
Thanks to Joi, I set up the meta data file for syndication using RSS 2.0. I will make some modification since MovableType doesn't seem to output appropriate date format when the locale is Japanese...
2003年4月 8日 17:00
UIEvolution's Nakajima-san was evangelized to become a blogger, thanks to Hirata-san and Minami-san from Neoteny. Nakajima-san, or Satoshi, got so interested in blogging that he will probably make lots of contribution to the client environment of the blog.
2003年4月 8日 11:09
I finally decided to start English blogging. It was only a few weeks to lose abilities to speak English since I left the US... I am still okay to speak English, but started being bothered to READ English. That's why...
2003年4月 7日 17:19
Joiの英語blogで取り上げられていたIndy Juniorというソフト(Fl...
2003年4月 7日 17:19
In Joi's blog, there is an interesting "flash" software named Indy Junior. It draws a map like you travelling on the world map when you input your itineraries using XML format.
2003年4月 6日 12:18