Sync A World You Want To Explore

関 信浩が2002年から書き続けるブログ。ソーシャルメディア黎明期の日本や米国の話題を、元・記者という視点と、スタートアップ企業の経営者というインサイダーの立場を駆使して、さまざまな切り口で執筆しています

The following is translation of my entry posted on Apr 23 in Japanese. I decided to translate since I am motivated by 1IMC, a blogger just made a trackback to that entry yesterday.

I think many of things are already available, but hope it may create something more.

I had wrote an article about moblog, but not had a chance of making it public. Today, Hirata's moblogging web service is coming alive. In response to that, I simply decided to publish it.

In summary, the story is that today's moblogging is expected to be used in very limited situations such as:

  • Only authors can "moblog"
  • Only entries can be moblogged
  • Only posting is discussed due to a poor cellphone browser

The following is a memo I had wrote based upon thoughts above.

  • necessary to enable a cellphone browser to read blogs easily
  • In order for everyone to upload pics to the blog, posting can be done via email
  • allow anyone to post pics. not only for authors to create entries
  • For instance, when you press a button "posting via email" on a blog, then your cellphone will receive an email. You can reply to it with pics attached, then pics will be posted automatically (can be anonymous posting)
  • Anonymity may let some people post "inappropriate" pics (MovableType 2.6 incorporates "sanitize" functionality to prevent this)
  • But comments without pics are not so fun. So, pics will appear on a blog only when an author "censors" pics and permits to show pics (notification should be generated by the blog software). Note that pics should be posted in storage under supervision by the authors of the blog, since if pics are on remote storage, pics could be replaced with "uncensored" pics after the permission.

    It was just a thought, but since there are some "dangerous" ideas, so I temporarily post it here in my private blogspace.